Miles Branded Products
In August 2007, Miles Chemical acquired Micel Inc. out of Anaheim California. Micel had been a premier regional specialty chemical manufacture with focus in Metal Finishing, Printed Circuit Board, Industrial Cleaning, and Waste Water treatment. "Simple Green" was developed in the Micel labs.
Our formulating R & D chemist has taken these products and updated the formulas to utilize the latest surfactant and raw material technologies.
Raw Materials and blending come from Miles Distribution and Miles Blending - which eliminates added layers of cost!
Some of the trade names include:
Infinity - Nickel Plating
CBC - Circuit Board Cleaning
CoPrep - Coagulants and Precipitants for waste water treatment
X-Cel Floc - Polymers for waste water treatment
Keyspray - Cleaners
Triacid - acid salts
Trimax - Trivalent passivates
Cucel - Copper Plating
NiPlate - Electroless Nickel
X-Cel Fos - Phosphate coatings
MC Developer- Developers
MC Conditioner - Conditioners
MC RS - Resist Strippers
Miles Branded Products - We have your Solution!

Miles Chemical is one of the few remaining chemical suppliers in Southern California with its own customer service analytical laboratory. Our state-of-the-art laboratory provides services to a wide spectrum of industries.
Customer Service
Bath Analysis (Wet and AA/ICP)
Trouble shooting
Hull Cell
Jar testing (water treatment)
Blending Services/QC
Specific gravity, Density, Surface Tension
Viscosity, Color, pH
AA/ICP for Metals, Refractive Index
Titrations for Acidity and Alkalinity, (Wet including Auto titration)
Solubility, Cloud point, Boiling point, Freezing point

Analytical Laboratory Services

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